The importance of the Sabbath Day

Terry Wilson

7th Feb 2015

Exodus 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

I am not harping on this subject like an Adventist preacher or an over-zealous Sabbatarian…Far from it!

I am seeing the importance of remembering (honouring) the Sabbath Day, which is on a Saturday.

Today is Saturday, and I am remembering (honouring) that day!

“Oh…But you are writing on the Sabbath…And that is working; therefore you are sinning by breaking the Sabbath!”

Not at all!

Doing the Lords work on the Sabbath is not a sin…

Did Jesus not heal the sick in the Temple on the Sabbath and was rebuked for it by the religious Jews?

I am a teacher of the Word…Therefore I teach!

Did not the rabbis teach in the Temple on the Sabbath?

Many people come tome asking why God is not answering their prayers or blessing what they are doing.

They will tell me that they are doing all the right things (according to what they are taught to believe) but still God is not hearing them!

I ask them: ‘On which day do you honour as the Sabbath?”

“Sunday is always their answer!”

“There’s your problem” I tell them…They are praying amiss by not remembering Gods Sabbath, but honouring a corruption of the Sabbath Day. A day which God does not remember (honour)!

Sunday observance is pagan in all aspects. It is the day of the venerable worship of the sun!

Remember: Constantine was a sun worshipper!

And at the time; both Christians and Jews held the Sabbath Day (Saturday) sacred and in honour of God!

Being that Constantine ‘professed’ a conversion to Christianity, and Rome was being converted to Christ, he decided to separate the ‘Christian’ Sabbath from the Jewish Sabbath.

Rome was still largely pagan at the time and worshipped the sun on the day of the sun.

Constantine declared the Sunday (the day of the venerable worship of the sun), be the Christian Sabbath, so that the pagans may be included in that Sabbath!

A pagan sun worshipper altered the Sabbath Day to honour the sun-god Baal (Nimrod) and over-ride the Commandment of the Lord!

Since then, Sunday has become the Christian Sabbath day, as opposed to what God has commanded.

I truly believe that this is the main reason that God is not moving in the church…

And that the professing church has become a playground for the demonic activity, because they dishonour Gods Sabbath!

It would only be logical to say that: If a person truly comes to Jesus, he/she will hear the voice of the Lord and remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

Otherwise, they are just deceived sheep being blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

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