Christianity; Truth or Tradition?

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This is not a personal attack on the church per se, but rather attacking what today’s church calls the truth. The church institution is still required today, whether true or not true, as a starting place for those in initial stages of conversion. I started there myself, and so I know that it is working still. The perfect scenario though would be a new church institution promulgating the full truth of what Yahoshua/Jesus preached 2000 years ago. At this point in time I do not see any doing this today anywhere in the world. Jesus once said, if they are not against me, they are for me, so in this sense, there is still some part of the church today working for the good of Gods Kingdom. The good part is, IF your faith is as strong and sincere as you profess, then the Holy Spirit with lead you out of the church when the time is right, and mold you to the will and ways of God. When I left the church institution in 1996, I was severely criticized and given up as a lost cause. This hurt me when my closest two friends judged me so. The ironical thing is, I had only been a Christian 12 years at that stage, and they had been Christian 50 years, and yet just recently, they have done just what I did, and left their church. And why did it take them so long? Very simple, they were in bondage to “tradition” which they could not let go of.

Christianity today is based on bits and pieces of several religions that has been gathered over centuries of lies, cover-ups, forgery, and the love of money and power. There really is no debate here as history proves it, but for some strange reason, Christians are not interested in researching this truth. One would think that if people are going to base their salvation on a doctrine, is it not wise to research that doctrine first?  To help you understand this concept, picture the following:

You have an organization, or for the want of a better name lets call it a church, who are looking to be the greatest of it’s kind in the world. They need the most followers in order to gain this status, so they provide as much variety that will attract the most attendance. People like to worship something they can see, so they set up images, people like to be forgiven, so they allow their priest to do Gods job, people like to believe they are saved, so they assure them they are saved through added bible verses or twisted verses taken out of context, and people don’t like to keep the wishes (or commandments) of God, so they falsely show in scripture that Gods wishes don’t matter any more. This my friends is your traditional church. What do you think?

4 thoughts on “Christianity; Truth or Tradition?

  1. There is a point in time when faith is no longer needed… it’s called “knowing”. You only reach this point by seeking. Whom do you seek from? There is only One worthy of seeking; it is He who made you. You will find Him when you empty your mind of things that will not last. Meditate!


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